Preparing for a financial emergency is often something difficult to do. Many people simply do not even think about what could happen since they are living day by day just trying to make it. Having an emergency plan, though, will help to prevent trouble when something does happen. An emergency situation can cause major trouble when you do not have the finances to handle it.
Few of us think about what would happen if we lost our jobs or suddenly became too ill to work. The thought is simply too terrible to contemplate in many cases, especially if we are living paycheck to paycheck with a job as it is.
The fact is, though, that financial emergencies happen to almost everyone at some point and they can have devastating impact in your credit. In fact, most people who declare bankruptcy do so because of a huge financial disaster such as sudden unemployment, huge medical bills, a lawsuit, or divorce. Despite this, few people plan for these problems, even though they can happen to anyone.
If you want to keep your credit score in good trim, you should know exactly what you would do in case of an emergency. Developing an actual written plan can help you by letting you take action to save your credit as soon as an emergency occurs. Some items that could be on your financial emergency plan could include:
1) A list of all assets you could liquidate if you had to.
2) A list of all extras or luxuries you could cut out of your life right away if there was a problem (i.e. newspaper subscriptions, cable television, water delivery service, Friday nights at the movies).
3) A list of any resources you have that could help you in case of an emergency. Maybe you know a lawyer who deals in financial facets of the law. Maybe you have insurance that could help you. Maybe your employer offers a severance package. Whatever it is, write it down. Keeping a list of these resources will make them easier to access in case of an emergency.
4) Other ways you could get money if you had to – jobs you could take, things you could rent out to others.
The bottom line is make a plan. You need something in place so that when disaster strikes you can handle it without falling into a financial crisis. You will be stressed enough worrying about the emergency situation that finances do not need to drag you down too.